
Our Location

Somerset, BA4 4JX, UK

Non-Motorised User & Access Audits

Non-Motorised User & Access Audits

At DAGA we can provide a range of Audit services that are complementary to our Road Safety Audit service. These include:-

Accessibility Audit

Highway Authorities are required by the Disability Discrimination Act to actively promote access equality and to ensure that disabled people benefit from a fully inclusive built environment. This includes taking measures to improve and rectify pre-existing environments so that they comply with current guidelines and legislation.

The purpose of an Accessibility Audit is to establish how well a given environment performs in terms of ease of access by a wide range of potential users including those users with visually impairments and those with physical disabilities. Accessibility Auditing is an essential part of the design process and is best undertaken at the early stages of a project to ensure that any accessibility issues as well as hazards and obstructions have been identified and thus improvements to the design made. Typical problems identified might include

  • Footways that are too narrow
  • Dropped kerbs that have an approach that is too steep
  • Lack of tactile paving at dropped kerbs and steps
  • Lack of provision of handrails at steps

Mobility Audit

The Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 was revised in 2005 to include a duty for highway authorities to provide reasonable access to the highway for disabled users. As a result, this has led to the need for Mobility Audit.

The purpose of Mobility Audit is to assess a highway layout to ensure that there is appropriate access to the highway for a range of users with disabilities. The Audit should consider factors that could affect access for all users including:

Visually impaired pedestrians, hearing impaired pedestrians, people with mobility impairments and wheelchair users.

Non-Motorised User Audit (NMU)

NMU Audits identify those users who are seen as particularly vulnerable when using public highways. These include:-

  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Equestrians
  • Access and Mobility Audits

Should you require any of our complementary Audit services then please do not hesitate to contact us.